Thursday, June 3, 2010

Haiti, here we come!

Ok, so we leave in approximatey 62 (ish) hours for detroit......(yes i actually took the time to count in my head the number of hours) lol. I'm way excited!! People keep asking me if I'm nervous, and surprisingly the answer is no. Atleast not yet anyway. I remember getting ready for Honduras and like up until the day before I didn't feel nervous either. It's cool how God can give you a peace about these things.

Yesterday we had sort of a "team hangout day" at my friend Steph's house. She has a pool :). It was great to just sort of chill before our big adventure, kinda casually get to know each other better. Although not all of us were present, I still got a good vibe from everybody. I think our team will mesh pretty well. We also put together little goodie bags for the kids that are at the orphanage in Grand Goave. Actually it was Steph's idea. She went down as part of the team over spring break and she said that most of the kids at the orphanage have no idea how old they are or even when their birthdays are. So she had a great idea of throwing the kids a birthday party!! So we are making them a cake and decorating with balloons and ribbons and giving them candy, glowsticks, noisemakers, sunglasses, and waterbottles. Steph said the kids absolutely LOVE sunglasses, so I'm sure they will be thrilled. Also, she said that when she was down there most of the kids had no way of carrying around water with them. So they would soak a rag and suck on it, or find anything they could use as a cup, like an old medicine bottle. So I can't wait to see their faces when we whip out water bottles for all of the kids!! Just goes to show you how much we take for granted......

Tonight is going to be fun/ interesting. Tonight is our first campus focus of the summer.....and afterwards our team has to bring all of our luggage to the chapel and pretty much open everyone's suitcases and shove in as much as we can into all our bags that will weigh no more than 50 lbs. This includes all of our own stuff we are bringing down, but also everyone's sleeping bags, donated clothes, toys, medical supplies, and tools such as shovels, pickaxes, hammers, drills, etc, not to mention the 60 water bottles that we are giving the kids. So needless to say it's gonna be like a giant puzzle, haha......i love puzzles!!

So after tonite our responsiblity is to not get sick or get ourselves into any life-threatening or health-threatening situations and get lots of sleep. lol......I should probably just lock myself in my room....haha just kidding. So prayers for health/ safety would be much appreciated :)

Well that's basically all for now. This is probably my last post seeing as how I probably won't have time before we leave to post again. I probably won't be able to post again until I return from Haiti, so this blog will probably start exploding with blogs and pictures soon after I return....

But thanks again for all of your prayers and support :) I can't wait to share my experience....

Until next time...

N'a wè pi ta (that's see you later in Creole)

Sarah C.


  1. My sweet Sarah! I will be praying and following your awesome journey via your blog. We are now official "blog-buddies," and I will post some news from Tallmadge on my blog so you can keep up with all the goings-on at Chez McAninch. Have a great and safe trip. Hugs to you and Step-bunny. MaMa Mac

  2. Sarah, you don't know me... I am McKenzie Baker's cousin. I just looked through your pictures on facebook. They are AMAZING! I don't know you, but I am SO PROUD of your group for all that you are doing in the name of Christ. Yes, Haitians need buildings rebuilt, but you guys were definitely bringing relief for greater needs: Truth, Hope, and Light. Thank you for serving The Kingdom!

    1 Timothy 4:12
